donderdag 9 mei 2013

adios amigos !

Today we arrived at our final destination of the trip : Tanzania .

We are all getting very tired from the trip so we decided to recover by the beach for a few days and just enjoy the sun and a good cocktail . When i talk about Tanzania lots of you might think it is a very desert-like country , at leas that's what i thought . But Tanzania is a very beautiful place ! We arrived at the airport in the capital of the country , Zanzibar.

This city has the most beautiful beaches with white sand and clear blue water. I think i might go diving or snorkling later on ! Always wanted to do that in my life !

We don't really have plans for our last stay here in Tanzania . I think we're just going to see what we feel like doing . It might be we stay by the beach a whole week !

Next tuesday it's time to pack our bags and head back to belgium ! We are flying to Morocco first and afterwards we can take a plan that heads to Belgium . It has been an amazing trip so far . We've seen so many unforgettable things and had such a good time together . It was really amazing ! But i'll be happy to be home again . To see my family and friends again , and to enjoy some belgian beer and some chips !

over and out !

dinsdag 30 april 2013

Let's go swimming in the water

Hello everybody and welcome back to our blog !

With only one week and a half to go , our so far magical trip is unfortunately almost coming to it's end .
We have already seen so many things you never hear or see of , things i will never forget !

The boattrip we made yesterday was really nice too ! No worries , just enjoying the good things in life . And some fresh fish , not the junk we get offered in the stores .

With only 2 more days to go in Congo we decided to enjoy some more of the good weather and the beautiful surroundings this country has to offer.
A local at the hotel told us that we should really visit the Zongo Falls , so this is where we are heading to later on . With a 5 hours drive ahead we will arrive there around 10 , which gives us just enough time to set up our tent , enjoy a nice barbecue and get ready for a visit to the falls tomorrow .
We're not quite sure yet if we are going to sleep in tents or not . We were told that there was a nice lodge called the ' seli safari ' , which is positioned right next to the falls . We should be able to hear the water coming down from our rooms ! A hotel bed will definitely be a lot more comfortable , and will prevent me from having to scratch my back the whole day thanks to the mosquitos .

I can't wait untill it is tomorrow : i just feel like waking up , putting on my swimmingpants and going straight to the falls for a refreshing dip . Hopefully the water isn't to cold !

See you later guys !

Wouter De Weerdt

A boat trip in the Democratic Republic of the Congo!

Hello Everybody!

After our adventures in the Central African Republic, we took the jeep and drove until we reached the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is a Francophone country. Because it is such a big country, it became difficult to decide where we would go. After discussing a bit, we decided to go to Kinshasa, the capital. Because it is almost the end of our trip, we went to the Grand Hotel Kinshasa. It is a 5 Star hotel in the center of Kinshasa.
In the hotel, we had a beautiful view over the river Congo.

After we had unpacked, we went to the Yacht Club Kinshasa. There, we rented a boat with a driver for the rest of the day and this only for 150$! On the boat, there were tables, chairs, a suntent and also a barbecue. It is obvious that this became a great and relaxing afternoon.
In the evening we barbecued on bord with the fishes we had caught in the afternoon. It was very delicous and above all, it was an unforgettable experience.

After our boat trip, we went to some bars, first we went to ‘the Standing’. This is a small western-style bar and disco. It was very nice but there was not that much people. So after ‘the Standing’, we went to the ‘VIP Bar’. It is also a western-style disco but larger. There was also a mirror and a disco-ball on the ceiling, it was a really nice place where we had some drinks of the local beer ‘Turbo King’. Around midnight, we ended up in our bedrooms and fell asleep.

Lanneer Wout

woensdag 24 april 2013

The Central African Republic, what's going on?

Hi everybody!

After some days of fun, it was time to develop something more about the economy, the education and the health of the Central African Republic.
First of all, in the Central African Republic, they dispense the CFA franc, which is accepted in six states in central Africa namely Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. One euro has here the same value as 676,13 CFA franc.
In the Central African Republic, the annual real GDP growth rate is 3%. Their import partners are South Korea, which is good for 45.8%, after South Korea comes the Netherlands, France and Cameroon. Remarkable are their export partners because their largest export partner is Belgium, with 30.4%, followed by China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Indonesia and Marocco.
The income per capita per year is around the $300 which is very low when you compare it with the income in Europe. We learned that their income is one of the lowest in the world.
It became obvious that because of this income, the education is not that good and the health is very bad.
In 2012, the life expectancy was 50 years old. This is very low because in Europe the life expectancy is around 80 years old. Another notable figure is the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate is about 4.7% of the adult population. But, this is not the only illness, there are a lot of diseases in the Central African Republic such as malaria, tuberculosis, ...; way too many to mention them all.
Now, when we know all the problems here, it is clear that sometimes, we make us too busy for nothing. So it is obvious that we have to be lucky that we did not born here.

Greetings from the Central African Republic!
Lanneer Wout (2MA05)

maandag 22 april 2013

picture time

Hello everybody !

Here i am with the pictures i took at the safari .

We really had an amazing time . We arrived at site and were welcomed warmly by Steve and his staff .  Before we could leave we had to put on our gear  and fill our backpacks with water.  It was extremely hot that day so the 4 liters of water we were carrying each wasn't that much . We were very lucky that day since we saw a lot of animals.

 After  a 2 hours drive we arrived at a river . We already noticed from a few minutes away that something special was going on over there since there was a lot of noise and a lot of dust in the air . Once arrived we could finally see what this dust and noise was coming from. There was a massive herd of wildebeest crossing the river . From left to right , all we could see was wildebeest. According to our guide there were around 1 million of them . They didn't all make it to the other side of the river tough , crocodiles were hiding in the water waiting for some food to come by. And i wanted some wilderbeest meat too . After the guides chose out an animal i could shoot it was time to take in our positions and get ready to fire . Once they gave me green light to shoot , i went for it.  What a rush .

From the river we drove towards a more bushy area fom where on we had to continue by foot .This isnt a pleasure at 40 degrees Celsius i can tell you that.
The area was full of life : colourful birds , monkeys , huge spiders , lizards , .. we saw it all . I'm going to let the images do the talking .

bye !

Wouter De Weerdt

zaterdag 20 april 2013

Falls of Baoli

Hello guys,

When we wake up, we need to consider which clothes we’re going to wear, because we’re April and as we all know, it could be hot.
File:Republique Centrafricaine - Boali - Chutes de Boali.jpg
But at the same time, we need to take in mind that the Harmattan could be present. The Harmattan is dry and dusty West African trade wind. We’re lucky because the Harmattan doesn’t block the sun, so we’re able to enjoy the sunshine. After our breakfast, we’re taking the highway towards Baoli.

After our first 2 days in the Central African Republic, we decided to see some nature. We’re going to Baoli which is situated 100 km of the national capital, Bangui. Why are we visiting Baoli? Well, because it’s well-known for his waterfalls and for his hydroelectric works. We need to make sure that we’re putting on our hiking boots and we leave our sandals in our luggage.

Once we see the waterfalls, we’re amazed about the view. It’s incredible! Although it’s a lot of noise because you hear the water falling, but we’re still open-eyed when we see the waterfalls.

After a day full of hiking, we’re not surprised we’re hungry. That’s why we’re visiting Tropicana. We found this restaurant by searching on the internet, because it was recommended. The cuisines are French, Pizza and international, so it’s perfect for students like us. We’ve all taken a large piece of Pizza because we’re familiar with this food. Later on, we’re too tired to do something outside so we decided to stay in and go to bed on time.

Greetings from the national hotel in Bangui!

Stefanie Vanhoele 2MA05 
