woensdag 20 maart 2013

Next destination ? Balaton lake !

Hello everybody and welcome back !

After an amazing few days in Budapest it was time to leave the city , get moving and explore some more of the things Hungary has to offer . We decided to head to the Balaton lake area for 2 days before continuing our trip and setting of towards Bulgaria .

So we packed our bags this morning , jumped on the train and prepared ourselves for 2 days of outdoor action . We will arive at our destination , the zamardi adventure park in around an hour . This park offers all kinds of outdoor activities ranging from rope courses to sliding slopes and obstacle courses . Let's hope the weather stays as good as it is now and the rain stays away , wouldn't be fun getting soaked. I really hope the girls will like this activity to and won't be to scared so high up in the trees! Maybe i should buy myself some earplugs ?

Afterwards we're heading to the Balaton Tourist Camping . A spacy and calm camping just next to the lake . There we're going to set up our tents and recover from the exhausting day at the adventure park with a relaxed campfire and some beers .

The following day we're just going to relax a little bit more :  we can go for a swim in the Balaton lake ,  enjoy the Hungarian sun while leaning back in a chair , have ourselves a nice barbecue , .. Just a nice calm day at the lake without thinking about anything .We're all getting a bit exhausted from always walking around and visiting so many different places . This will definitely do us all - and our feet - some good .

Thanks for reading and stay tuned !

Megváltás !

Wouter De Weerdt

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